วันจันทร์ที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

   Memories are always beautiful. How about your memories?  My beautiful memory that I want to talk about today is about my first date. Everyone has to have their first date at one point in their life and the first date must be imprinted on one’s memory for a very long time. The first date is the beginning of love, it is nothing to be scare to. The date is for two persons to get to know each other more so that the two can decide on the next steps of their relationship. Someone might be able to tell from their heart to continue or improve their relationship. Someone might now. The important thing is that the first date will give you an opportunity to explore and decide.

Let us go back in time to remind again about our first date experience, whether how romantic, funny, awkward it was.

My own first date happened when I was 20 years old. It was a poppy love, during the girl flourish and cute. This period, hence, is normal to have guys approached and wanted to know. Many wanted to know me and I didn’t close myself as I think everyone can be my friend in the beginning. However, there is one that talked to me long enough and has asked me out many times and I always turned him down. Until finally, I thought I could give him a chance by accepted his date request.

When the time came, he picked me up and took me to a normal lunch restaurant. He ordered all my favorite foods and took me of me very good. This is my first good impression about him. After finished a meal, he took me to a park with wide variety of flowers blossoming. He held my hand and led me underneath a tree which also has a swing. We had a chat on the swing and first I didn’t notice that the flowers surrounded us was arranged to be read of my nickname which obviously he was the one did it. He, then, turned around and picked up a guitar, played a song in which he wrote. I was very surprised, glad, was astounded by his very fond surprise. It was very romantic which make me very impress in him. That was a really beautiful first date of mine.

The first date is the beginning of a relationship; therefore, it is very important for every couple to assess one another before committing themselves. It should be a very loving memory that no matter what the end result of the relationship is, the first date will always permanently be a good memory in everyone heart.

วันเสาร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556


Sound of ukulele vs guitar
Ukulele has 4 size , but the popular players is 3 size are Soprano, Concert, and Tenor , for each one has Unique.

1: Soprano
Soprano is too small , made you can keep it when you go out home easier , but the sound is lightly same as size .

2: Concert
Concert is a standard size of ukulele, it's very famous and easy to keep it , it's largest more than Soprano a bit ,
Sound is louder ,

3: Tenor 
Ukulele tenor size is most largest ukulele , just like guitar , but also comfortable like ukulele , and sound is very loud  , but it's hard to carry it ,

Guitar has 6 lines and size is very largest more than ukulele , and it's hard to carry if you are young , but the sound of guitar is very nice and loud , it's up to body and lines that you wear it .

               Many people said guitar is sound good more than ukulele , they are correct because of size and lines , Guitar has 6 lines then it's can give you more sound , and size is give you a louder sound . 


About the Ukulele

          A ukulele is a small musical instrument with 4 strings. Ukuleles are usually made of wood and have fretted necks. Ukuleles were developed in Hawai'i during ukulele the 19th century, after Spanish seafarers had introduced guitars to the islands. In Hawai'ian, 'ukulele' means 'jumping flea'.

Ukuleles, much like acoustic guitars, are useful as a rhythmic accompaniment instrument for a singer or a band. Because of their size, strings, and physical properties, ukuleles produce a less full sound than their 6-string cousins - they give no bass notes. I firmly believe, however, that what ukuleles lack in tonal range they more than make up for with charm. (You may agree, if you have come this far.) Not only is the ukulele itself cute as a bug, but as a singer, it gives you more contact with your audience - the difference is like that between speaking from a podium and speaking with crib-cards in your hand.

Blog6- Cause and effect

                Why should i play ukulele not guitar?

          I am the one who like to play music in free time , my interesting Musical instrument is flip music , i have first musical instrument , when i was 14 years old that is guitar , i'm trying to play guitar to be best but that is not progress , then i talk to mother for study guitar in musical shcool , but my mother didn't let me go there , because there is a lot of Charges , then i come back to studying by myself, i'm trying to play guitar much more but i also not good in guitar , because guitar is very big and my hand is too small , and guitar lines is too solid , when i Catch records it slash my finger , it's hard to catch cord , i feel bad with this and it affected to my hand cannot play guitar fluently and sound is too bad                        it callous my finger then i decide to stop play guitar, and not a long time i found new Musical instrument , it's like a flip that i really like it , it's look like guitar but smaller than guitar and have 4 cords , sound of this one is melodic like guitar ,

         everyone call it Ukulele , i bought it and play it at my home , that is too small and then it comfortable with my small finger >< , lines of ukulele made from Ligament, when i catch the cord i fell easy , and my hand will not hard , i can learning to play ukulele by not go to musical school , because it's easy to play and has 4  lines , and body is very cute and small i can keep it to go out with my family , All of this i told you is the reason i choosed to play ukulele instead guitar itself.

Blog7- Comparison or contrast

Ukulele vs. Guitar

A guitar has a lot more range than a ukulele. A LOT more. A guitar goes down, down, almost 2 full octaves from where a ukulele can go. Playing a guitar after playing a uke - is like joining up with a bassist. It's also a bit like pinning yourself under a bulky piece of furniture.

Ukuleles are less expensive. Ukuleles are much easier to transport - I sometimes like to 'conceal' a uke in my jacket, it seems to magically appear in my hands. Ukuleles require much less strength and toughness-of-fingers than a guitar. They are a bit easier to understand - less strings means less notes which means less things for your mind and fingers to remember. It's not much less, but if you assume your fingers have a 5-fret spread, the math will tell you that you only have about 4% as many options on the uke as you have on the guitar.

Compare and Contrast: Ukulele vs. Guitar!

 Perhaps the biggest difference between a guitar and a ukulele is in the effect that it has on people when you play it. Everybody has seen lots and lots of people strumming a guitar. Some associate the image with tall, cool, hip people being rich and famous - some associate it with a singing junkie on every streetcorner. A ukulele does not carry these 'mundane, everyday' kind of images with it. Ukuleles are much more likely to make people smile. Whether it is surprise, novelty, cuteness, a lack of pre-conceived notions, or a combination of those, there is a certain freshness to a ukulele that a guitar, in it's overexposure, simply does not have.

Lastly, I feel I should point out how, if you are a singing entertainer, a uke brings you closer to your audience than any other instrument. Singing from behind a piano is very isolating - singing from behind a guitar is much, much less so. The audience gets more of you, and your singing becomes more the focus. A ukulele takes this relationship even further - there is almost nothing between you and the audience. Your singing becomes even more focal - and you have to work for that, because with so few notes, all being high notes, a ukulele gives you a bit less to fall back on. But if the singing is primary, and the accompaniment secondary, you can use all that to your advantage.


                 There are 4 standard sizes that ukuleles come in. we concern ourselves only with the 'classic', the smallest, the soprano ukulele. These are what people think of when they think of a uke. They are around 21" long, cute, portable, and fun. The next largest size is the concert uke. At 23", they are tuned the same as a soprano uke, they are just a bit bigger, with a bigger sound. If you want a ukulele that sounds large, that's your thing. All the moves from UkeSchool.com will work just fine.
There are also tenor and baritone ukuleles, which, at 26" and 30", are more like small 4-stringed guitars - they are even tuned differently. They sound a bit like ukuleles and a bit like classical, nylon-stringed guitars. Their sound is more "warm" and less "jumping flea". Most music shops don't sell them, there are almost no books for them, and most online interactive schools of ukulele won't teach you how to play one. Consider them exotic, like a lute, a pedal steel, or bagpipes.

A banjo uke is a type of ukulele that has a body with a tight skin pulled over it, like a banjo. They are very, very, loud. Ukulele guru George Formby used one of these a lot.

A ukulele that has a box-like shape, without the curvy, double-lobed guitar shape, is referred to as a pineapple ukulele. They are vaguely pineapple shaped, but not made from a pineapple.

An armadillo uke, however, is made from an armadillo. The instrument shown to the right is actually a 10-stringed South American instrument called a charango. An armadillo uke is a much more obscure thing, presumably a an engineering feat inspired by charangos. I was only able to find one really crummy picture of a truly ukulelified armadillo, below.  Wow. I didn't know these existed until I saw one in for repairs at my local guitar shop. I laughed so hard they almost had to throw me out of the store - turns out that a good specimen of one of these is quite valuable, and sounds very good!

วันพุธที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

How to buy ukulele[blog5]

How to buy ukulele

1.    Ukulele Body : is very affect to sound , good sound or bad sound is up to raw material , Mainly material Is from Solid wood and Laminated Wood                                                                                  
-         Laminated  - close the Surface with Laminated , sound will different by wood close skin with mahogany will provide soft void , if use sprunce will provide audio stream.
-         Solid – provide melodic , resound , identity of sound will change by type of wood , Maple wood will provide clear void , but price will increase by quality , and rarity of wood , for example Koa wood is most expensive because it’s only available in Hawaii and hard to find it .
2.    Fingerboard and Bridge Ukulele : medium grade , mostly use Rosewood to be fingerboard and Bridge it increased life time , and possesses strong , more resistant
3.    Fret : is the most problem of Ukulele , characteristic of fret will give you a strange sound while you playing , how to check fret Is easy , press cable to middle fret , then flip the fret until last cable, if not found , oK you can reliable.
4.    Size of Ukulele have 5 size along
     1. Sopranino 
     2. Soprano  
     3. Concert
     4. Tenor 
     5. Baritone 
But the most common is are
-         Soprano(21) small size , provide a pitched tones, small tone , Due to its small size , that made fingerboard small size same , amount of fret is 12 fret , but some produce have 15 fret , to support many kind of style , so ukulele soprano size original is comfortable to play strike a chords and sing a song , easy to carrying with traveling , who want more solo you can going to buy other type of soprano more fret then you can play more note.
-         Concert(23) : bigger from soprano affected to the sound , sound is tone deep , but still have sound like soprano , bigger body made it have more fret from 14 to 17 , up to style of it , it’s supported for finger picking style more.
-         Tenor (26) bigger from concert and sound is deep and soft like guitar , up to raw material , have 17 – 19 fret and supported finger picking ( melody , solo ) as well , because size of finger board is big like body , Professional musician are popular use this .
String of Ukulele : quality of cable is affected to the sound like body , different brand is different sound same, for the popular brand cable is Aquila String property is soft and loun.

Chords of Ukulele [blog4]

Chords Ukulele

Ukulele use same chord as guitar but there is different chord handle because the cable is different from guitar  and ukulele have 4 cable but guitar have 6 cable , As a result, how to capture the different chords , but remember ukulele use same chords as guitar , then you can buy a chords book same as guitar to learn and play .

How to read chords
Reading ukulele chords is same as guitar for example chords C or C major

4 Line is each cable ukulele
From up to down G > C  > E > A
For each block that have number from 1-4 is fret Is that the neck down a ukulele
From block 1 down to 4
And red point is the where you have to put your finger there for get a sound of chords that you want
In the picture is chords C

My musical life [blog3]

My Musical Life
How you feel when you didn’t hear anything , for me , I still love it when I heard it ,I used my free time to sing a song and listen to music in my bed room , because when I heard music It made me feel relax and happy all time I used to live with my lovely music instrument , my interested music instrument is flip music instrument , I have first music instrument when I was 16 years old , my brother bought it to me that is guitar I feel happy and really like it .

 I keep it to go to school everyday,to let’s my friend that have experience to teach me about this , everytime when I take a rest at noon I actually come to my study room and sing a song with guitar but I always still be watching because I can’t play it , I’m trying to play guitar with my friend and training in my bed room everydays.

           So I can play it but not good enough , because it so bigger and my hand is too small , hard to control chords , and it hurts my hand so much , and I feel dismissed but I also didn’t think to stop play it ,
Until I was 18 years old ,I found a new one , the body is look like guitar but it smaller than guitar,
It’s Ukulele , I think It will instead to my old guitar , it’s should be comfortable with my smaller hand, I though I could play it nice , I have to collect my money to buy it , in that time ukulele is too expensive , I have to save my money to buy it in 4,000 bath , oh my god !!!! it’s too expensive , but I’m not serious with that cause I really want it so much , then I made it I can buy it , I didn’t waiting I went to future park and bought it in shop instrument , then I told the seller to teach me in shop , when I begin to play it , i feel easy to play , because ukulele is small and easy to control chords , it comfortable with my hand , after that I open youtube and learning to play ukulele in front of computer everyday.

            I used 1 month and I can play it , I feel happy that I can do it , thereafter I like to play it for other , and play music , recording video , sing happy birthday to my sister at lampang ,

Me and sister used ukulele to surprise , go up to the stage and sing a song to my sister wedding , both of them are really happy and crying with happiness , and I feel happiness same that I can made my sister feel happy with my song that I gave to them , although the time go through it , I still happiness to sing a song and playing music always . 

History of Ukulele [blog 2]

History of Ukulele
Talking about Musical instrument that very popular in Thailand this time , i can’t miss this one figure like guitar but smaller than , we call it Ukulele now it is very popular for newbie and circles of music ,by the melodic of ukulele like guitar but easy to carrying , importantly , look like this one is faster popular more than guitar right now.

Ukulele was born from Hawaii , in century 19 or 150 years ago, beginning from portuguese musicians across the sea to the shore Hanolulu of Hawaii , he carried musical instrument look like small guitar calling Cavaquinho , and generate interest to native Hawaiian in that time , Eventually cavaquinho has been modified by Portuguese musicians to be Ukulele , use for entertainment in Hawaii and after that , It has also been used extensively in the islands since then, until about year 1950 ukulele has been going to around the world and it was very popular, that made ukulele changed to be The international instrument finally .

At present , Ukulele has been come to popular again , and many musician used it in music video , John Johnson , Jason Mraz and John Mayer , that very famous , and their album has knew by people around the world ,  meanwhile ukulele have more people interest , no matter Europe , Asia , and our country , Thailand have use Ukulele to produce music , Especially Jaze and soft music.

           For the price of Ukulele is around 1,500 – 50,000 or more than this , it’s up to raw material and quality , there are a lot of Ukulele Club now , for show your ukulele and size of Ukulele is small , it’s easy to learn , now ukulele has been use for newbie before play guitar .